Speculations on Meghan Markle filling the California senate office after the death of senator Dianne Feinstein debunked.

3 min read

Flurry of rumors surrounding Meghan Markle’s political ambitions, particularly speculation that she is vying for a Senate seat in California. These rumors have made headlines in various news outlets, especially the Daily Mail. However, it is essential to separate fact from fiction and critically examine the claims being made. The Daily Mail uses this information about Meghan Markle to make their headlines just as they always do, Meghan ha always been their headlines. Meghan Markle has not officially announced any plans to run for political office. While she and her husband, Prince Harry, have become more involved in various social and humanitarian causes since stepping back from their roles as senior members of the British royal family, this does not necessarily translate into a political career. Daily Mail speculates the political rumors concerning Meghan just after the Californian senator Feinstein passed on at a age of 90.

The Daily Mail, along with other tabloids, has a history of sensationalizing stories and often relying on unnamed or unreliable sources. In the case of Meghan Markle’s supposed Senate aspirations, there is a lack of concrete evidence to support these claims but Daily Mail being used to having Meghan Markle and Prince Harry in their headlines would not consider the truth behind any rumor but they would quickly post the news as they always do especially that the rumors is about Meghan Markle who is the Duchess of Sussex.


Running for political office, especially a Senate seat, requires a significant commitment and a well-thought-out campaign strategy but Meghan is already held up with her humanitarian work. Candidates typically engage in extensive groundwork, build a team, and participate in fundraising efforts. To date, Meghan Markle has not taken any of these steps indicative of a serious political campaign. Even though she is a US citizen by birth Meghan has never expressed her concerns about the politics.

The speculation regarding Meghan Markle’s Senate run comes at a time when she and Prince Harry have been increasingly vocal about social justice issues and have established their nonprofit organization, the Archewell Foundation which focuses on various issues including mental health issues and the racial equality which are main reasons they faced rejection and a lot of hatred from the royal family an the tabloids. The foundation has never showed any interest in the political field with fact that Meghan and Harry always emphasized on their commitment to non-partisan activism.

The Daily Mail’s speculations about Meghan Markle’s potential Senate run in California should be taken with a lot of caution because there is no concrete evidence to support these claims, and Meghan Markle has not made any official announcements regarding a political career. Neither has Prince Harry made any comment on any information concerning his wife’s political ambitions. While it is possible that she may choose to enter politics in the future, it is crucial to separate fact from unfounded rumors and respect her right to make informed decisions about her future endeavors. From such speculations we all need to refrain from the unreliable sources who spreads misinformation all over just because they want to make someone to be in their headlines. Why would Daily Mail make Meghan Markle their headline with the rumors of political aspiration which is not true as for now but the royal family website being hacked was a confirmed story but they could not report anything about it. This is so unfair and we need to all do justice especially to the Duchess of Sussex.

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