Sky News Host, Andrew Bolt says King Charles should not apologize to Kenyans.

2 min read

King Charles and Camilla are finally gone. Today marked their last day in Kenya and the two have taken a flight back to the UK. While in Kenya the two visited different places despite Camilla’s bad character where she failed to show interest to Kenyan people when she stayed in the car while King Charles paid a visit to Uhuru Gardens. So away from Camilla’s story, King Charles made a statement that people may confuse it for an apology, when he talked of regretting the past. Charles said so just because of the pressure that he had in Kenya as we know that Kenyans demanded for a colonial apology from Charles when they arrived.

So Charles basically mentioned to people that just to confuse them and actually he talked of coming back to Kenya to look for the specific communities which were affected by the fight for independence. But such statements basically do not make any sense as we know the kind of people we are dealing with. First of all, Charles is not aware of the Kenyans heroes who were in that particular fight. How can he back back to look for people he has no hint about them. Now, Charles making such a statement has led to different reactions and a Sky News Host by the name Andrew Bolt made a comment about Charles’ statement as he said that Charles did not have to apologize to Kenyans and he added that Kenyans benefited from the colonial masters. Now, even if Kenyans benefited from that, what about the murdered heroes, why wont they feel sorry for those who lost lives during that fight. Honestly, the Kenyan people deserves a good colonial apology but these racists will never consider doin so. Andrew Bolt is even adding salt to the wound as he talks of Charles, saying that he did not have to apologize yet he actually did not make any apology. Andrew Bolt’s message has become a wide topic as Kenyans do not feel happy about it. While he was hosting the Bolt show, he wondered why King acknowledged that many Kenyans suffered under the hands of the colonialists and according to him Charles tainted Britain’s history by saying so. “We gave the gift of the English language. I have been to Kenya and I look around and think that if the British hadn’t been there, then it would not have been good as it is,” he said. So from his statement we can clearly see the way he do not feel for Kenyans who were affected by the fight for independence.

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