Prince Harry’s case against the Mirror Group Newspapers is fully settled.

3 min read

Prince Harry settles hacking case against UK Newspaper group and receives substantial damages. Prince Harry was awarded 140000 pounds in damages in December after a judge found that phone hacking was widespread and habitual. The phone hacking case dates back more than two decades and finally Harry has won it after such a long time.

Attorney David Sherborne said Mirror Group Newspapers had a greed to pay all the legal costs, damages and also make an interim payment within two weeks.

Harry’s case against the publisher of the Daily Mirror and two other tabloids launched against the media blaming the blighting Harry’s life and even that if Meghan and also Princess Diana, the mother to Harry.

These were the best news to all of us because Harry seems to have stood strong and alone in the case and most of his haters including the royal family have always wished that he be defeated but finally he has won it and this is so great, to Harry, congratulations for such a win you deserve it.

Prince Harry also vows to see press mission to end the berates Piers Morgan. Prince Harry said on Friday that his mission to purge the press would continue through to the end after he accepted the substantial damages to settle his case against the Mirror. He also delivered another broadside against Piers Morgan who have always been among the biggest hater and intruder to Harry’s life and even his family.

This shows how determined Harry is in whatever he says. All that he promised to do has come to a successful ending and he even promised to continue with that because he initiated it ever since he stepped back from the royal duties. His mission has always be to bring to light all that has happened behind closed doors and especially in the British press whereby editors have accused power to spread lies about people where Harry has been one of the victims.

The royal family seems to have given the British press all the authority to fully take the power and publish everything they feel like publishing including the lies against people and that has been clearly noted even when it comes to the case of Harry and Meghan. The royal family always stays silent on such cases instead of giving some warning to the media for using lies to make money and headlines.

A good number of royalists are yet to be pinned down by Prince Harry and this is not because Harry wish the worst to anyone, it is mainly because Harry’s fight for justice is now being heard and that will bring down most of these haters. Piers Morgan is one of the fallen one and the remaining ones should watch out before being pinned down.

I like the fact that Harry is always consistent and strong enough to fight for justice until the end, he has never been swayed or even bribed to end such a case and the is why we always say Harry is the real King and his empire is already built because he has a great wife by his side. This is an amazing man and it would be good if we all emulate him.

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