King Charles should Order Andrew to stay out of the public to save the Royal Family.

2 min read

Charles doesn’t seem to need a spare at all, considering his press relationship. There are distinct, recent scandals involving Andrew and Charles. Aside from the Camilla scandal involving Charles and the Epstein scandal involving Andrew, both have allegations of corruption (fraud) against them that would bring down any other organization. Apart from their relationship, Charles is unharmed not because he has a spare, but rather because the British public and press have permitted it. Recall that following the Queen’s passing, the police closed their cash-for-honor probe against Charles. Nobody said a word about that. But just watch the knives come out while Meghan reads to the children. 

This is a family that values pedophiles and sex traffickers, racists, taking bags of cash on the down low, continuing to take money from the backs of the citizens, making secret laws to protect their interests, bullying, sibling assault, adultery. And those are just the things we know about! Chuckles was BFFs with other pedos so he sees nothing wrong with what his brother did. They don’t shun the pedo brother because they are him and he is them.

This is so much considering the way the palace evicted Prince Harry’s family but they have decided that Prince Andrew will not face any kind of discipline for the immorality just like William who is always protected by the press yet nothing is worth celebrating in his work together with his wife Kate who is just asking for some more break.

Meanwhile, the Times also had a story about how Andrew is “feeling bullish” despite Scoop. The treatment of Andrew… still living in his huge mansion and security paid for by the King personally.. and Harry..evicted from the gift the queen gave and with no security… says everything I need to know about the disgusting royal family.

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