Thomas Markle back to attacking Meghan Markle after a successful Invictus Games.

2 min read

Thomas Markle again came to attack Meghan Markle and Prince Harry after they had a successful Invictus games in Germany. Thomas while speaking to British media said that he wants to reconcile with his daughter Meghan Markle and that he want to see his grandchildren for the first time before he die but felt like it seems to be impossible and he said that he blames Harry and Meghan for the lack of contact.

Thomas Markle have been doing interviews betraying Meghan since 2018 before Harry and Meghan came publicly to speak out. Thomas betrayed his daughter many times and never cared of her health in fact he is the one who sold Meghan to the press and was even ready to testify against his own daughter. Meghan Markle’s parents divorced when Meghan was only 6 years old and now they claim that Thomas was close to Meghan and even contributed to Meghan’s career and success. Thomas ex-wife who was married to him before Doria Ragland who is Meghan’s mother described Thomas as an “abusive, unfaithful and awful father.” That statement is enough to describe Thomas as an abusive human and there is no way he can turn his bad intentions to Meghan. The British media has always been in touch to spread negativity about Harry and Meghan but they will never succeed in that as we all know Meghan is so loved as well as her husband Harry and we can attest to that from how the Invictus games went down in Germany and all the celebrations from all over the world.

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  1. 1

    Honestly,the hate against Meghan is just too much.
    I was watching this news on YouTube this morning,and the presenter said”Thomas is begging Meghan to let him see his grandkids”.
    My Opinion is that if Thomas did Meghan good,he wouldn’t be begging her.
    He has lost the only daughter who loved .

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