Bedell Smith says Kate doesn’t need Harry and Meghan to console her.

4 min read

According to Bedell Smith, Kate Middleton doesn’t need Harry and Meghan to console her. Even before we say that Kate doesn’t need to be consoled,let us look at the story that arised from King Charles announcement of his cancer diagnosis. Prince Harry was among the first to check up on him and definitely because that was a positive thing done by Harry and the Media would not have anything to talk I’ll of Harry’s quick visit,then they went ahead to say that Prince Harry was not fair enough to just visit King for only thirty minutes and later on fly back to America for his own events which I asked, was it that King’s cancer had to stop Harry from all the plans he already had? Again, was that not a good thing and a sacrifice that Prince Harry made? Because now that it was an impromptu visit not planned and definitely Harry is a busy man but all in all they did not appreciate it. Now onto Kate’s story whereby the same same people who wanted Harry to see or rather check on Kate Middleton during that time are now here to criticize the well wishes that Harry and Meghan gave to Kate after her announcement on the issue related to cancer.

This will definitely describe how people can never be contented and will Always be sharp to oppose your own good deeds especially the one related to health and it just came in so genuinely from Prince Harry and Meghan. According to Bedell Smith that was not necessary at any point. From the below article quoted from the NY Times, we can all tell how ungrateful these people are and for me I take that as a big lesson but at the end of it all Harry and Meghan are winning no matter what.

I did a story on the British tabloid reporters and photographers in 1993 when I was covering Wimbledon and they were hot on the trail of rumors about a romance between Barbra Streisand and Andre Agassi. They proudly called themselves Rotters, after the tenacious German dogs Rottweilers.

I asked my go-to person on the monarchy, Sally Bedell Smith, who has written many books on the family and who writes the Royals Extra Substack, if the Rotters would keep going until they uncovered the type of cancer the wife of the future king of England has and what led her to the hospital in the first place.

“I think they’ll have to leave her alone,” Smith said. “The palace will make sure they leave her alone. It would be ghoulish if they followed her to treatment. I hope they will show common decency, which maybe they don’t have in great supply. I hope they will stop speculating on all sorts of dire and ludicrous things.”

She said the palace came down hard on the papers when William and Kate were dating and Rotters were following Kate everywhere and again when their son George was younger and the paps hid long-lens cameras in the trunks of cars.

Smith said that her palace sources had been “trying to come to grips to manage this maelstrom of opinions and speculation and vicious theories” and now, upon learning of Kate’s cancer diagnosis, they are “in a state of shock.” Smith noted that more than the tabloid press, the royal counselors are worried about social media, “which is much, much harder to control.” Internet sleuths, who doggedly investigated Kate’s doctored photo until she confessed, are not likely to be satisfied until they dig up all the intimate details. I wondered if Harry and Meghan — who wished Kate “health and healing” in a statement — would now have to pitch in on royal duties.

“Kate doesn’t need Harry and Meghan to console her,” Smith said. “She has her parents and a sister, and she’s very close to King Charles.” Smith added that “Meghan has announced she is going down a very different road, starting a new brand with the most bizarre name” (American Riviera Orchard). Smith made headlines in London papers recently when she compared Meghan to Wallis Simpson, the Duchess of Windsor, saying the two women (American divorcées who upset the royal apple cart) were both “very narcissistic, very controlling, very dominating.”

So maybe to conclude on the same, I will personally say that Harry and Meghan were not going to do that kind of consolation as they think. Harry and Meghan first of all are so busy and they have life to live together with their two little ones so to whoever it may concern, Stop bringing in Harry and Meghan in the royal mess.

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