Hugh Grosvenor did invite Harry and Meghan to his wedding, Harry gave him a good reason for the absence.

3 min read

 It’s finally said that Prince Harry and Hugh Grosvenor had a discussion concerning the upcoming wedding and this is actually putting the haters in a big shame as they always spread negative stories about Harry snubbing the Duke of Westminster’s wedding but here is the truth about the same. It’s known that William will serve as the usher in the same event although he hates being assigned some work so I wonder if he is so ready to serve as the usher as earlier mentioned. William is so lazy to even attend the wedding’s rehearsal and he might embarass everyone during the event.

The speculation has taken quite some months but it’s here. Grosvenor] is one of only a few friends who has remained close to both the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Sussex despite the brothers’ increasingly bitter public feud.Thank god the wedding is almost here so we won’t have to deal with hearing about William’s rigorous usher training and how he basically went through boot camp so he’s just as good – if not better – than Harry. Im waiting for the briefing that William had to learn to fly an Apache in case the groom gets cold feet and needs a quick exit.Sigh. I also don’t think Harry said anything. Williams actions are not a reflection on Harry, only on William.

I think hugh had enough and reached out to correct the record closer to the wedding date. He was tactful enough not to throw William under his Rolls Royce but to make it clear Harry was invited – and for “reasons” (that are currently screaming from the roof top of KP that they are the super star of Hugh and Olivia’s wedding) decided to skip the happy occasion to keep the focus on the newly wed couple.I mean – if Harry said he was going to go, the media circus around the wedding would have been appalling. Drones, paps in full shrubbery costumes trying to unobtrusively sneak across the open lawn.“I say Hugh, why is there a shrubbery of indeterminate species moving slowly across your lawn? It’s just not the done thing, old chap. A splendid topiary could do something as audacious as move about of its own free will but a shrubbery should know its place. Have your man speak to the gardening staff. What a shocking display.”

Interesting that Grosvenor set the record straight and refuses to play sides. That might be the default position of the Lords of London. Perhaps William is seen as a shaky proposition among the most powerful aristocrats. Also Camilla’s petty feud with Hugh Grosvenors mother can’t help. A Queen should be gracious not hold onto 20 year grudge. As a mistress turned Queen, Camilla should be more circumspect instead of stirring up trouble behind the scenes. Perhaps William just wants to carry favor with one of the wealthiest men in the country.

Harry is always a matured and bright man and can never be silly as William that’s one thing I’m so impressed with Harry and he is never swayed with the royal wave and even the haters who always tend to advise Harry otherwise. 

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