Israelis shrug off William’s plea. “Go make peace with your brother”

3 min read

It’s so clear how William’s supporters are worried of how to call him out while being in his side. I could not imagine the media who always cover up for William ate already tired of how William does things. Just the other day and William was embarassing everyone with the kind of jokes he tries to make during his failed event, the BAFTAs awards and that was the worst thing that ever happened. William did not expect such an embarrassment but definitely that is what he deserves. 

Prince William has been prepared for kingship for many years by British right-wing political operatives. William is just too young to realize that it appears extremely political for Downing Street employees and Kensington Palace employees to have a revolving door. I have long held the opinion that the Tories have a long-term plan in place to mold William into the helpful idiot king of their dreams. Charles never surrounded himself with that many political operatives on either side, even with all of his “political meddling.” Anyway, it’s obvious that William’s remarks this week regarding the conflict and disaster in Israel and Palestine have gone off course. The right-wing media is currently having trouble figuring out how to call, so you can tell that panic is widespread.

The story of William bringing peace to the middle East has always been his fake promise as he has been making such promises. Now the Israelis called out William for such PR and political things he is trying to do and that was well said as he was advised to make peace with his own brother Prince Harry. 

Prince William who has always been talking of how he will never give Harry any chance is now talking of the way he can bring peace to the middle East which definitely seems ironical. Charity begins at home. Below is INews article with more of the Israelis information. 

Israelis reacted with a mix of indifference and irritation to a rare political intervention from Prince William calling for “an end to the fighting in Gaza”.

The Prince of Wales issued the statement on Tuesday in co-ordination with the Foreign Office, using the same phrase as Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron that “too many have been killed” during the Israel-Hamas war while calling for more aid to be allowed into Gaza and the release of Israeli hostages held by Hamas.

Diplomatic sources suggested that less significance was being attached to the statement in Israel than in the UK. One aide to an Israeli MP compared the public reaction to previous calls from the Pope for a ceasefire in Gaza.

“The public is not impressed because the [Royal Family] does not have many powers,” the aide said.

Israeli social media discussion was often less respectful towards the British royal. Political lobbyist and former local government official Yamit Yanay-Malul accused the prince of a “ridiculous statement” and questioned whether he had used his connection to the Red Cross to press the charity to visit hostages in Gaza.

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