Kate Middleton giving a speech yet no material support to the needy children.

3 min read

Our lazy Princess of Wales out again for another photo opportunity as she is always doing together with William her husband, but for this time round she in alone in it. So the supporters of the so called royal family already wrote the praises for Kate in this photo opportunity where she is giving a speech as she ramps up her early years crusade. And the opening of the children in need with impassioned speech honestly can never help those needy one. Kate is someone who is in a position to help out the needy but she is always using such events to give headlines and that people think she is actually doing something. DailyMail is actually giving Kate flowers for the speech she is giving and she is not even contributing anything to the needy, I do not see and need for this kind of appreciation but because we all know the way they always paint Harry and Meghan bad and praise the royal family even where they have done nothing and so they wrote about Kate’s shirt and the way it is so expensive but they are not linking it with the support that she really needed to give to these needy children.

And in Kate’s speech she is actually contradicting herself as she talk of the stressful and the traumatic situations that affects children and takes a long time for one to get over it and you all know that Kate is one of the people who actually causes such trauma in other peoples lives and this becomes so hypocritical. Kate and the other royal family members were the ones pushing Archie to the same situation that Kate is now talking about.

Our relationships, surroundings and experiences during the earliest years lay the foundations that shape the rest of our lives. ‘And yet sadly, we know that for too many people, stressful and traumatic situations in early childhood can cause harm and it can take many years to overcome.’ ‘It is vital, therefore, that we nurture every childhood and why the sorts of projects supported by Children in Need are so important. ‘They help the very youngest, most vulnerable members of our society feel safe, secure and loved in these important, formative years, so that they can enjoy their childhoods now, and grow to reach their potential and thrive in the world in later life.”

From the kind of speech she is giving you all can tell the hypocrisy in it. Kate is actually saying what is really opposite of what she actually do, in fact she is talking of what other people are genuine about but it is not all about Kate, I personally took her speech and she really describe the work that Harry and Meghan are always doing genuinely and un that case Kate is the victim of causing stressful and traumatic situations. For the DailyMail is actually praising Kate with the kind of dressing and talking of how much expensive it is, then not even considering the fact that she is not donating anything to the needy children, it is so unfair and she is even calling out people for donations and not even leading by example. She is so mean and such events are just helpful to her in the creation of photo opportunities. Kate together with her husband do best in such kind of events, they will always show up and would want the attention from the public yet they are not giving any significant support, they only make fake promises which they cannot even fulfill.

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