King Charles secretly profiting from the assets of thousands of dead citizens.

3 min read

After all the secrets that the royal family have had nd always trying to hide them using Harry and Meghan, finally we have some big and shocking news about the royal family and to be specific, King Charles. So a whole King is out here making the worst to the citizens and yet he is referred to as a great King, this is so ironical and does not even fit to such a leader but as always King Charles is just a king because of the name and the government structure but not because of the work that he is doing. Harry and Meghan have always been used in the headlines, and in this scandal they have not be exempted because the royalists are never allowing such secrets of the royal family to be exposed but the funny thing is that the secrets are now being exposed and the worst are now coming to the public eye. Charles is actually reportedly benefiting from the dead people whose next of kin and also their wills are not known and so the King is collecting the benefits from them instead of actually looking for the families of the people who actually lost the loved ones.

“The king is profiting from the deaths of thousands of people in the north-west of England whose assets are secretly being used to upgrade a commercial property empire managed by his hereditary estate, the Guardian can reveal.

The Duchy of Lancaster, a controversial land and property estate that generates huge profits for King Charles III, has collected tens of millions of pounds in recent years under an antiquated system that dates back to feudal times.

Financial assets known as bona vacantia, owned by people who died without a will or known next of kin, are collected by the duchy. Over the last 10 years, it has collected more than £60m in the funds. It has long claimed that, after deducting costs, bona vacantia revenues are donated to charities”

The King have a lot of secrets that are really not any good and can’t even allow him to be termed as a good king. The funds that have been reportedly collected from the past ten years is such a huge amount and it is said that the king directs the funds to the charity work but already the sources have exposed that the smallest percentage of the funds are directed to the charitable organizations, but first of all why would someone use such benefits for his own work. It is so inhuman and Charles is not even a good leader. Another funny thing is the way the media is now talking about the way Harry and Meghan were evicted of which that has been the past story but they are definitely covering up for Charles.

Harry and Meghan are now being used as the highlights but still this story is basically a strange and shocking and can not been covered up because already the public already have the news and they are so heavy ones because the story itself is so much emotional and even shocking. Benefiting from the thousands of dead people is so strange and uncommon Charles is so wild and inhuman.

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