Meghan Markle made a special visit to ‘justice for girls’ in Vancouver.

3 min read

In the world of celebrities and especially the royals, we have always noted the kind of love and huge following that Harry and Meghan get from the public mainly because of the work they do towards humanity. No only the praises but also the negative stories are always wild especially from the royalists and the British Tabloids. Every other single moment, Harry and Meghan have made headlines but in most cases the media write negatively about them. Recently there have been change from a lot of things, especially the way the media have not been able to follow up with the schedule of Harry and Meghan as they were used to. The tabloids had always made sure that they know every step that Harry and Meghan make and not in any good way, it was always aimed at making hate speech about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. This came to an end as we can see how they have been shocked about the recent surprise visits to events that Harry and Meghan do. So first of all, Meghan Markle made a surprise visit to the Variety Power of Women event where she was highly celebrated and that was a solo visit but still it became a success but the media were not even aware of it because they would definitely talk bad about it, so any negative speech about that must have been made after Meghan’s visit. After that, Harry and Meghan also made a surprise visit to Canada where the next Invictus games is going to happen that is in the year 2025 and while they were there they were able to enjoy the hockey games and also share some good memories with Meghan’s friend from Canada where Meghan lived while filming Suits. Also Meghan have made an appearance at the justice for girls to show support and now all these events came in as surprises because the media were also surprise. These catch them off-guard and these have not been good news to them. The way William and Kate are also silent suggests that they have not been updated on the schedule that Harry and Meghan have because definitely they would have made some events almost similar to what the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have. This is a good move and also a good way to keep privacy that Harry and Meghan have always wanted to have, freedom actually looks good on them, they have had a lot for the longest time in their lives. Meghan just made the best appearance to justice for girls and she was so much appreciated for being there.

Justice for Girls was delighted to have a return visit from Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex. Joined by Jessica Lake and Lauri Thompson from the Lake family’s All One Fund, we had an engaging and heartfelt conversation about justice and equality for teen girls living in poverty in Canada and around the world. Together with our teen interns, staff, directors, and board members, we talked about Justice for Girls’ decades of work advocating for girls’ access to education, freedom from violence, Indigenous rights, and environmental justice. A highlight of our conversation was the focus on girls’ and young women’s leadership. A feminist advocate from a young age herself, The Duchess was keen to chat with two of our teen interns to discuss their personal struggles for justice. Her genuine and understanding approach left the girls feeling heard, supported, and inspired.”

[From Justice for Girls’ IG]

Harry and Meghan are definitely great people who are always looked up to and Meghan appearance in Justice for Girls was such an amazing event as she always show undivided support and in a genuine way. Harry and Meghan’s freedom is finally here as the tabloids no longer get to know every single step they take,

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