New study find less than one percent published about Prince Harry is true.

2 min read

The UK Media’s Lies Against Prince Harry. The scathing academic study has laid bare the shocking truth – less than 1% of what the UK media publishes about Prince Harry is actually true. These so-called “journalists” have been monitored closely, and the damning results reveal an orchestrated campaign of blatant lies and fabrications.

The UK public deserves so much better than this corrupt, agenda-driven press that willfully distorts reality to serve its own petty interests. While they eagerly churn out endless smears against Harry, the same media outlets have consistently coddled and protected the laziness and privilege of William and Kate, failing to subject them to anywhere near the same level of scrutiny. The sole factual detail they manage to report on is Harry’s name – everything else is pure fiction, driven by their seething jealousy and bitterness towards his global success and popularity. This systematic disinformation campaign reveals the media’s true colors, as they prioritize sensationalism and character assassination over honest, ethical reporting. The Shocking Truth Revealed

It is a staggering and deeply disturbing revelation – less than a single percent of what the British media reports about Prince Harry is actually grounded in truth. An exhaustive academic study has meticulously monitored and analyzed the coverage, exposing an orchestrated campaign of callous lies and shameless fabrications. While these so-called “journalists” eagerly spew an endless torrent of vicious smears and distortions against Harry, they have consistently coddled and protected the indolence and entitlement of William and Kate.

The sole factual detail they manage to include is Harry’s name – everything else is pure fiction, driven by their seething envy and bitterness towards his global success and widespread popularity. The British public deserves so much better than this corrupt, agenda-driven press that has abandoned any semblance of integrity or ethics in its relentless crusade to undermine one of their own. This is very shameful and unethical but at least someone got to mention the truth that we have always been talking about as we call out the lies and hate from UK media against Prince Harry and his wife Meghan, definitely because of their success

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