Obama’s daughter Malia taking a cigarette break in Los Angeles weeks after Sasha Obama was also spotted smoking.

2 min read

Malia and Sasha Obama, the daughters of former President Barack Obama, have been spotted smoking cigarettes and now it has become news that has circulated in the social media platforms. This revelation has raised eyebrows and concerns among many, as these young women are in the public eye and claims that they serve as role models for others. Yes smoking is not an healthy act but the big question comes where the Obama’s daughters are becoming trending news after being seen smoking but other smokers can’t be such an issue to be raised.


Smoking is widely known to be harmful to one’s health. It can lead to serious illnesses such as lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory problems. Therefore, the sight of Malia and Sasha, both in their twenties, engaging in this harmful habit has caused concern among the public but my question is that they two are being news yet almost every youth goes through that stage in life. Most students especially in the university level are in such situation and there are many ways of encouraging them to stop the habit other than making it a social media news which wont help out. The Obama sisters have been public figures since their father’s presidency, and that is the big reason they are becoming trending news. Sometimes thy also need privacy away from media just like any other child because it’s not that they chose to be born in such family.

It’s also crucial to remember that smoking is not just a health issue; it’s also a social one. Smoking can be addictive, making it difficult for individuals to quit once they start. This addiction can lead to a lifetime of health problems and financial burdens but the solution should not be this act of spreading these news all over. The Obamas have always respected their daughters’ privacy, this incident highlights the challenges of growing up in the public eye. It’s natural for young adults to experiment and make mistakes, but the consequences of such actions can be magnified when you’re in the spotlight. However some fans are concerned about Malia and Sasha Obama smoking habits and would really hope that they are rescued but most of the media platforms are just having it as trending news for their own benefits and not being concern about the effects that may come with that habit. . It’s our hope that Malia and Sasha will reconsider their choices and make healthier decisions that can inspire others to do the same.

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  1. 1

    They are their own people at end of day and adults able of making decisions for their own life. Their parents made political decisions and their life choices do not become their children’s that they should be restrained from being their own people. As adults it’s their choice to smoke or not smoke, drink or not have a drink or whatever else they want. I don’t get why this is even news needing an article for it.

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