Prince Harry and Meghan Markle host their first in-person Parents’ Summit in NYC to mark World Mental Health day.

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Archewell Foundation’s Parents Summit by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Shine Light on Mental Health Awareness in New York City. It is an important event in raising awareness about mental health issues among parents, the Archewell Foundation, founded by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, hosted the first-ever Perfect Parents Summit in New York City. The event featured parents who have experienced tragic loss of children connected to social media use.

Mental health has often been stigmatized, and parents, in particular, have felt the need to maintain a facade of perfection. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who have been open about their own struggles with mental health, are determined to break this silence. The Perfect Parents Summit served as a platform for discussing the challenges parents face and offering insights into how they can better support their mental well-being. and also ways that may be helpful in controlling such issues. The Archewell Foundation, established by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, has been a source of hope since its foundation and many people have benefited from it. It is committed to driving positive change in various areas, with mental health being one of its core focuses. The Perfect Parents Summit is just one of many initiatives aimed at creating a more inclusive and compassionate world. Prince Harry and Meghan have always been supportive to the society and they will always do despite the tabloids who always try to pull them down.

The summit addressed a broad spectrum of topics related to mental health in parenting stresses of modern parenting in this digital age where children are able to access the social media platforms and have led to some negative effects. Some of the parents who attended the summit shared their experiences in losing their children to suicide due to the social media influence. Prince Harry was able to give his speech addressing parents that they need to be careful on what they share to the children in the social media. This digital age has been so challenging to parents in bringing up their children. There is need to have some solutions on how to control the influence in it. Meghan Markle , the Duchess of Sussex also shared a message to the parents having been through the mental health challenges and also she talked of how she feels being a mother to Prince Archie and also Lilibet Diana. Meghan also shared her best feeling of being married to Prince Harry and she seems to enjoy their marriage despite the media attacks and speculations of their divorce. The couple are so in love and we are happy for them as the Sussex family. The two are special to us, before being in their first in-person summit, they were able to go by a school in New York City called Marcy lab and they gave their own support and motivation to both the students and teachers. Their Archewell foundation has also partnered with that school in achieving their set goals. While there, Prince Harry gave a motivation to the students telling them to work hard and each one to remember hat brought them to school. So from this, we can say that Harry and Meghan are source of blessings wherever they go. They then proceeded to their Summit and we could see how they were received. They had a very luxurious escort to that particular event.

The summit brought together leading experts in the field of mental health, parenting, and child development. It provided a unique opportunity for attendees to learn from professionals who offered practical advice and strategies for managing mental health as parents. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, through the Archewell Foundation, are not merely raising awareness about mental health; they are also actively working to effect change. The summit was not just a one-time event but rather the launch of a broader movement to support parents in their mental health journey. The Perfect Parents Summit garnered attention not only from attendees in New York but from around the world as we saw a lot of people shared the pictures, clips and also articles concerning that event. This event was such a meaningful one and has provided a good platform for parents to share their experiences. And also Meghan looked so good in the event with her white-off shoulder pantsuits. She looks so amazing and was intelligent in her speech. We love you Meghan and also Prince Harry.

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