Prince Harry gave King Charles terms for meeting him.

2 min read

It’s hilarious to see how the royal establishment is in complete panic and actively trying to contain the damage after a single, direct statement from Prince Harry’s spokesperson. Harry simply stated that Charles’s hectic schedule is the reason he won’t be seeing his father while on his trip. That is all. Harry even seemed to like it. But since Buckingham Palace has been leaking like a sieve ever since, we can tell that Harry must have called his father’s bluff. Insiders close to the palace obviously rushed to Richard Kay of the Daily Mail with information about the following: Harry didn’t “formally” request a meeting with Charles; Harry ought to have arrived earlier in the week when Charles’s schedule wasn’t as hectic; and finally, that Harry didn’t even request to stay at a royal property during his visit. That last one is shocking, that the palace is leaking that kind of information. But that’s not all – it’s looks like palace insiders also ran to Charlotte Griffiths, also at the Daily Mail, with a hilarious story about how Harry told his father his terms and Charles couldn’t handle it.There is some talk that behind the scenes, a lot of negotiating went on,” Griffiths told GB News. “I think the reason was because Harry made certain demands about who could be in the room and who couldn’t. Although on the surface it looks like a snub, Harry made it very difficult for his father.

It’s kind of funny to see them acknowledge this is a snub from Charles and then try to spin it and they really can’t. Charles isn’t that busy and everyone knows it. Harry’s statement really threw them off here.I love that Harry’s statement threw them off so much. Clearly, they were getting too comfortable and forgot that Harry will go on record when necessary. Harry has standards and he must have made some restrictions definitely for his Invictus service to run smoothly, so all these rants about how Harry was snubbed is all bullsh*t and just a way to act like Harry isn’t needed. No wonder William and Charles planned for a joint event so that they could hide the terms Harry gave.Now they’re doing their best to try and salvage something from the mess they created (and failing miserably). To be this petty when Harry is over here to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the IGs has made KCIII look terrible and they know it.

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