Prince Harry in UK High court battle for the downgraded security.

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London — The decision by the British government to give Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, less police protection when he returns for visits is being contested by Prince Harry. Following their resignation as senior working members of the royal family in 2021, the duke and his wife Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, were denied the highest level of state-funded protection by the government. Earlier this year, he attempted to obtain permission to independently fund the police protection, but his appeal was denied. Prince Harry have been such a hard worker and he is always fighting his battles alone in most cases with his wife’s support. As much as Prince Harry have a very huge following, he still fight so hard for his own justice because mainly the fans of Harry and Meghan speak out but no one is really taking their opinions into consideration. Now Harry’s security’s was actually taken by King Charles and now it seems they do not even allow Harry to fund himself and get his own security. The royals have tried all their best to bring down Harry and Meghan, but honestly they won’t be able to because Harry and Meghan are strong enough and are always doing what is right and even when legal actions are involved, they will always win because they are always doing as expected but the royal family have tried to paint the Duke and Duchess of Sussex the bad ones of which mostly all the bad things that comes out is that the royal family are having a scandal and it is always the worst thing ever but still they cannot accept that. Even from the recent stories about Harry and Meghan, we have seen some unfairness in it because the British tabloids are all over spying on Harry and Meghan and what even got me shocked is the fact that they feel bad that Meghan gets a security guard who escorts her to her own car when leaving for gym and the critics were a lot meaning they still follow up and down to make sure they know everything that Harry and Meghan are upto. This is basically being obsessed and they are trying to say that Harry and Meghan are not relevant and yet they are the ones who get money from them. It is so ironical. So Harry’s fight for the security is actually becoming some big news and what makes it more dramatic is the way they do not want Harry to fund his own security. What can we term this? It is purely bitterness and jealousy because Prince Harry is able to pay for his security. You know the royal family expected Harry and Meghan to suffer after stepping back from their royal duties but that never happened and now they are so bitter that Harry can fund himself and his family without any benefit from the royal family. 

In front of the British High Court, Harry’s attorneys contended that RAVEC, the body that advises the Home Office of Britain on matters of royal security, “should have considered the ‘impact’ that a successful attack on [Harry] would have, bearing in mind his status, background, and reputation within the Royal Family, into which he was born and will remain for the remainder of his life, as well as his continued public service and charitable endeavors.”

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