Princess Kate advised to ignore the demands for her health details.

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Bullying only occurs when Kate is the target. Bullying is not at all what happens when people like Jeremy Clarkson, Piers Morgan, Camilla Tominey, Dan Wootton, or Richard Eden write genuinely horrifying things about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. That was in no way bullying when Piers Morgan called Meghan a liar after she broke down in tears while talking about her suicidal thoughts. It was by no means bullying when the royal reporters collectively chose to fabricate stories about Meghan “making Kate cry” on a regular basis. But you are definitely a bully if you even imply that Kate might, perhaps, be a little more honest about her medical drama. Richard Eden says as much!

Daily mail reporting as usual because their work is basically to celebrate such people who come to praise and cover up for Kate and even other royals. This is not surprising to me but just a normal work from the royalists. 

“The Princess of Wales should ignore internet bullies who demand further details of her recent operation. That’s the view of Richard Eden in the latest edition of his Palace Confidential news letter.

While King Charles is to be applauded for discussing his own condition – an enlarged prostate – and raising awareness in the process, the princess deserves more privacy, Eden writes: ‘I believe that Catherine should ignore the demands for more details. Why should she have to make public highly personal information about her health? She is not our head of state, or even married to one.’

Since Kensington Palace issued a statement last week reporting that the Princess of Wales had been admitted to hospital for ‘abdominal surgery’, there have been growing calls for her to provide more details about the nature of her operation.

But Catherine is not in a comparable position, writes Eden. ‘If chooses to give more details later, that’s up to her,’ he concludes. ‘But, as she convalesces with the support of her family, she should feel under no pressure to tell us more. And she certainly shouldn’t give in to the online bullies.”

As they claim that Kate is bullied in the Internet, then they do not understand the real meaning, how can a bully get bullied? This must be madness and we all can agree that whatever Kate is going through is something else away from the alleged abdominal issue. Now that Charles is also going for only two days and he is also going for a surgery, this raises the eyebrows of most of the people and no one can get fooled to their trick. They are already exposed and that doesn’t mean that Kate is bullied.

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