Richard Branson named in Epstein documents have been so close to Kate Middleton.

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Kate Middleton will never end showing us wonders! Recently there have been a lot if scandals revolving the royal family and again it is not yet done, we have more hot tea and all these are now concerning Kate Middleton and the alleged pedophile Richard Branson. Kate is named as a close to the alleged and that is somehow shocking to most of the people.

Now, Prince Andrew who is the family member was also among the listed people who were involved and at this point there are the sex tapes that are already released and that gives enough evidence that the Prince is a pedophile and he will not escape this. Not only Andrew’s sex tapes were released, also Richard Branson among others have there own and now the main concern here is the relationship between Kate and Richard Branson. While the monarchy is crying out for help because it is in it’s final stages of failing, the other shocking news are coming out and that basically gives more details on the reason to why the monarchy is failing. If the kind of leaders in the same monarchy includes Charles who is showing support to the evil people and demonizing Harry and Meghan who would actually bring up the monarchy. Then another person is Kate Middleton who is doing the worst on top of her lazy character and we all can attest to that. Kate will always use hours and hours to plan for a very small task and basically that is how she does work. Now, tell me is such people are able to bring the change to the monarchy.

The worst is the case of Branson that we have just discussed, that will definitely contribute to the failure that is now so clear and we will be here to watch the way things are going. But for me I feel like the monarchy needs to be abolished because a lot of shame is coming out if it, look at the character Kate is showing. Leave alone the relationship that Kate and Branson have, there are some other news that were given by the close friend and the statement goes, Kate Middleton once slept with Prince Andrew. How do you see such things, if at all the monarchy is going to stay, Kate is someone to be a queen in the near future? It is so bad if she will be able to reach that position. All that is currently happening in the monarchy is also Karma to Charles and even William because they did evil to Harry and Meghan. Let us all wait for the results of all these evil deeds by Kate, William, Charles and even Camilla. And for the case of Andrew and his group that includes Richard Branson, I think they need a lot if prayers because whatever they are doing is demonic and Kate is not left behind in all these.

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