Russell Brand, the popular English comedian and actor accused of rape.

2 min read

Russell Brand have been accused of sexual assaults and emotional abuse by five women including a 16 year old. The women alleged sexual assaults between 2006 and 2013 when Russell was a presenter for BBC radio 2 and channel 4. During a joint investigation, five women shared their stories with the C4Dispatches who have been doing the investigations for more than a year. One of the victims said that Russell grabbed her inner wear, pulling it to the side and could not get off even after she pled to him to get off her. She added that Russell held her against the wall while pushing himself in her. He also grabbed and got her to bed and by then Russell was fully naked but the victim claimed that she had her clothes on. The convicted reportedly forced his penis in the woman’s throat to choke her. The victim said that she never talked about the incident before.

Russell Brand’s accusations are substandard and terrible as the rape crisis involves a 16 year old. Such an underage by then. Sources cited more information on the same.

Russell Brand also went ahead to releasing a video of himself denying the serious criminal accusations. He said that he received many disturbing letters concerning the matter and feels like he is being attacked but he said that we keep close and he will look into the matter.

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