William and Kate feel Intense Anxiety due to close proximity to ascending the throne.

3 min read

I do question why W&K are freaking out about becoming monarchs sooner rather than later. Other than extreme laziness, there is no reason to melt down over the prospect of becoming King of England. He had known this was coming his whole life. And Kate and her stage mother actively sought it. But I do think it’s great that they want to cancel themselves.

I believe the pressure on Will is that, as king, he will be subject to far more public scrutiny. No goofing around for weeks on end without “working.” Whatever extracurricular activities he participates in, those also become more difficult to manage.

Kate enjoys being in the spotlight considerably more than Will does. However, it might be unsettling to consider that you will be expected to “work” more than a few hours per month. She has bought into the “happily married future queen” thing and would be embarrassed for the world to know exactly how little time Will spends with her, so perhaps the scrutiny from the larger public as well. Perhaps she detests the thought of being confined to a marriage with Will (and I don’t think Will will divorce her if they are married when he ascends to the throne. Perhaps she has been attempting to pretend for too long that her physical and mental health problems are severe.

Whatever the cause, the girl hasn’t looked good in a while. And since everyone’s health problems were made public, Will undoubtedly appears to have teetered on the brink. For William and Kate everything everything seems to be a burden but again they want to be in power just to show off but still they fear the work in it. So go ahead and abolish the monarchy when Charles dies! Divorce, don’t divorce, whatever floats your boat. Problem solved. No more stress. Below is some more tea from Page Six that describes more on the same. 

Prince William is reportedly in “frightening proximity” to ascending the British throne amid His father King Charles III’s ongoing battle with cancer.

“The almost simultaneous news of Charles’s cancer has put William and Catherine in frightening proximity to ascending the throne just when they had hoped for a span of years to parent their children out of the public eye,” journalist Tina Brown claimed in a New York Times essay published on March 25. William and his wife, Kate Middleton — who is also battling cancer — share three kids: Prince George, 10, Princess Charlotte, 8, and Prince Louis, 5. Catherine is the most popular member of the royal family after William,” she wrote, adding, “The future of the monarchy hangs by a thread, and that thread is her.”

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